Saturday, June 30, 2012

Eat watermelon outside, and let the juice run all over the place! 6/30/12

This week has shown me the Goodness of God, and the kindness of a fellow man.  This yummy sweet watermelon was a gift from a gentleman at a store we stopped for the restroom.  He had a surplus of watermelon, and Madeline wore the perfect smile.  It was very kind of them to share their harvest with us!  God is so very good!!

Watch fireworks 6/30/12

At Holly Beach, a bunch of residents put in for a fireworks show for 4th of July.  Thank you MawMaw and PawPaw!  Mrs. Kathy even gave the kids glow sticks & necklaces!

  Mom and Dad even popped popcorn for the event!!

The kids LOVED the fireworks!!  They were so majestic!!

Go for a walk along the beach or a wooded path 6/30/12

Though we don't have a picture, we did take a family walk along Holly Beach.  We collected shells, and felt the sand under our feet :)!

Build a Fort 6/30/12

Rainy days call for all kinds of creativity!  MawMaw helped the kiddos make this fort!

Paint toenails 6/30/12

Emma Lou's

Madda Moo's

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Making Homemade Lemonade 6/11/12

The picture we took, well, it wasn't this beautiful!  Unfortunately we had to cheat, and use this pretty picture!! Emma even helped me squeeze all the lemons.  I would of taken pictures of them drinking it, but it didn't last that long :)!

Thank someone who has helped you out 6/11/12

Where do I begin.... Dearest Nancy, I already miss you so much.  You were not only my cousin, but my friend.  Thank you for allowing us to be in your life.  Thank you for trusting me with your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for always having patience with our kiddos, even when I didn't have it myself!  You have shown me how to be a better mother.   My heart is so sad and empty right now.  I am comforted in the fact that you are in Heaven with so many people who love you, and that you are no longer suffering.  I look forward to being with you again with Our Sweet Lord!  -- ♥ Cass

Eat Strawberry Shortcake

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lunch with Daddy at work

With Daddy working out of town, we have not been able to bring him lunch!  Daddy was actually working in Abbeville this week!  We decided to bring him a plate lunch!  Thank you Daddy for working so hard for our family! ♥

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Road Trip

Being Daddy was working in Leesville, we decided to make the trip up to Toledo Bend to stay with him!  Unfortunately, it was only for a day!  None the less, it was a fun roadtrip!  We found a great playground, and things to do the next time we come :)!